Gobbly Gook

Noah Lloyd
2 min readAug 11, 2021

I’m told many things, as we all are. Tell, tell; speak, speak! Chatter about the occurrences of the present and what there is to be done, what notices are to be noticed, warnings headed, deaths grieved, births celebrated. Speaking nonsense is not taken kindly because it is nonsense and has no place in sensible speech. But nonsense is not without its own sense unrecognized in the cooing and calling.

Speak the babel and listen to the tongue’s noises. Even this kind of talking is tainted by our first learned language, for the mouth moves in ways it has always known, and those ways are natural for it. But when the nonsense is spoken long enough, with enough dedication from the speaker who has no conscious reason for nonsensical speaking, then the ties of the mother tongue eventually slip away like clothes falling off a body. The chords give an engine to the lips that tatter and waddle. Leaves in wind, the lips and tongue. An ancient dancing they do.

Speak in motions so that no one may hear. Even the meaning behind your speech is lost to your head, but speak on anyway with no sense or mind. It is better to have no reason than to lose one's way in oceans of reasoning. Once the nonsense is touched, the other tongues speak it as well. The others think they speak with meaning, but the nonsense speaker knows the truth. It’s gobbly gook. From the first to last and ear to ear, be the one to know who is the master here.

